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Found 38873 results for any of the keywords consumer data right. Time 0.015 seconds.
OAICWe promote and uphold your rights to access government-held information and have your personal information protected
Health information | OAICAustralian privacy law has strict rules about how a health service provider can collect, use and disclose an individual's health information.
Data breaches | OAICUnder the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme, you must be told if a data breach is likely to cause you serious harm.
Privacy complaints | OAICThe Privacy Act has strict rules about how an organisation or agency handles your personal information. If you think they've mishandled it, you can lodge a complaint with us.
More privacy rights | OAICYour privacy rights for advertising, marketing and spam; children and young people; and COVID-19.
Social media and online privacy | OAICYou can protect your privacy by being aware of, and actively using, the privacy settings of these platforms and your devices, and understanding your legal rights.
What you can complain about | OAICYou can complain to us about the handling of your personal information by an Australian Government agency or any organisation the Privacy Act 1988 covers.
Privacy | OAICGuidance on how to handle your personal information and promote awareness of your privacy rights.
Your personal information | OAICPersonal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Your privacy rights | OAICIn Australia, the Privacy Act 1988 deals with your information privacy rights and how organisations and agencies must handle your personal information.
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